How Preferences Derail Your Heart’s Dream with Claudia Navone
True manifestation comes from your heart’s dream, not your head’s dream. When you focus on your mind’s preferences it can derail your heart’s dream. This and more in this podcast episode with Claudia Navone.
Finding Wholeness in Meditation with Alex Boianghu
Learn the ins and outs of silent retreats as part of the path of wholeness in this episode, the fifth in the The Journey of Wholeness series, with meditation teacher & psycho-spiritual therapist Alex Boianghu and Kristine Madera
How to Communicate with Your Subconscious Mind
Learn to communicate with your subconscious mind so that you can work together to create the changes and life that you desire
Spicing Up the Tropics
In the jungle of Papua New Guinea, there are few options but to eat the local fare…
How to Use the Holographic Universe to Create Your Best Life with Joshua Bloom
There has been lots of buzz about the possibility that we live in a virtual or holographic universe. Even if you don’t buy it, using the idea of a holographic universe makes changing yourself and your life In this conversation, Quantum Energy Transformation Expert Joshua Bloom shows us how!
How to Choose the Right Hypnotherapist for You, A Step-by-Step Guide
This step-by-step guide will help you choose the right hypnotherapist for you

About Kristine
Kristine Madera is a #1 bestselling Amazon author, novelist, hypnotherapist, and pro-topian with a passion for helping people better themselves and the world. Informed by global travel, teaching abroad, and a stint as a Peace Corps Volunteer, Kristine believes that everyone plays a part in imagining and creating our collective future.
Volunteering at Mother Teresa’s Home for the Dying in Calcutta inspired her novel, God in Drag. She birthed her upcoming novel, The Snakeman’s Wife, as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Papua New Guinea.
Read the first chapter of God in Drag HERE