by Kristine Madera | Jul 14, 2020 | Conversations
How Your Soul’s Free Will Overrides Your Free Will with Katie Kieffer We’ve all been taught we have free will, but what happens when our personal free will is out of sync with our Soul’s free will? Whaaaaat, a Soul has free will? Of course! You can...
by Kristine Madera | Jul 1, 2020 | Conversations
How to Anchor in the Social Change You Desire with Katie Kieffer Energies and ideas are expanding in a wave of what looks like rapid social change, but lasting change comes from shifting the emotional energy around a new idea, not from the idea itself. When you...
by Kristine Madera | Jun 24, 2020 | Conversations
The Energetic Foundation of Social Change with Veronica Torres & Eloheim In this conversation with Veronica Torres and Eloheim, one of the beings she channels, Eloheim shares several key shifts we can make personally to support the social change movements...
by Kristine Madera | Jun 17, 2020 | Conversations
How to Use Uncertainty to Re-Create Your Life with Miché Meizner Right now the talk is all about going “back” to normal (which is, uh, not going to happen) or creating “new” normal–but how can you create something that you can’t...
by Kristine Madera | Jun 11, 2020 | Conversations
Why Impersonal Emotions Feel So Personal with Miché Meizner What’s the point? was the despairing feeling that plagued Energy Healer Miché Meizner as she fell asleep each night, despite having a great life. The experience of despair, dissatisfaction and of...