Why Intentions Work Better Than Goals
with Carl Powell
In this conversation with Mindful Movement Founder Carl Powell, we talk about his latest book, as well as why setting goals doesn’t work, and why setting intentions is better than setting goals in manifesting what you truly desire–which is often much different than what you think you want.
Carl also shares his top life lessons and how they have helped him set smarter intentions and how to choose faith over fear. Plus, these juicy topics:
How covid changed everything in the fitness and other industries, and how re-discovering your passion within the industry you are in can help you pivot toward something much more fun and interesting and in line with your deep desires.
Why the path to success in 2021 and beyond requires being open and relaxed with change, because change is the new normal. Also how to set smarter intentions to help you flow with change in the coming years.
How learning to say Yes can change your life for the better and open you to opportunities that are reflect your deep intention eve if they seem out of alignment with your stated goals.
How stealth intentions can work throughout your life in ways that your goal-oriented self could never call into being, and how using gratitude and curiosity can help shift fear to the faith you need to embrace change and out of the box opportunities.
Carl invites you to try a free class (virtually) in his Maui Healing Garden!
Sign up at CarlPowell.com
Carl Powell is a pioneer in the fitness industry. He is an award winning speaker and author of 3 books, 21 Steps to Magnificent Living, Recipes for Magnificent Living, and his newest book Setting SMARTER Intentions.
Carl traveled the globe for over 30 years training and entertaining audiences with his unique approach to Mindful Movement. He now lives on the island of Maui, where he continues to share his Mindful Movement Method.
Mindful Movement is designed to smoothly move you into flow, using deep breaths and slow gentle movements. It incorporates movements from various techniques such as Yoga, Pilates, Dance, Tai Chi, Qigong, Motivation, and Meditation to help you recharge your spirit, find your inner flow in these chaotic times, and be a more happier, healthier, more balanced YOU!
Connect with Carl & sign up for a free class at CarlPowell.com
EXPAND Your EDGE Pendulum Play!
If you have taken the EXPAND Your EDGE course, here are some ways to use your pendulum to play with the energies in this conversation to expand your consciousness. Still need the course? Get it for free HERE
Neutralize any confusion between intentions and goals
Increase my awareness of how to use intentions to reach my dreams
Increase my awareness of good opportunities that differ from my goals
Decrease my resistance to change
Increase my openness to new experiences and opportunities
Harmonize me with my whole being in all areas in my life
Decrease my resistance to unusual opportunities that may be perfect for me
Increase my openness to changing how I express my gifts and talents
Decrease any attachment to keeping life the same
Expand my ability and willingness to see and live my passions and gifts in new ways
Increase my curiosity and faith in what is possible
Increase my experience of flowing with change in all areas of my life
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About Kristine
Pushing the edges of my own consciousness has been my passion for as long as I can remember. I’ve been helping others push past limiting perceptions and expand their minds and realities for almost as long. Conversations are a great way to explore what’s possible, whether through listening to the conversations in this site or talking privately with me or one of my mind-blowing friends.
Explore, Enjoy & Expand!
Podcast Music: Warm Vacuum Tube by Admiral Bob (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license