When Prayer Violates Free Will
with Katie Kieffer
Prayer is powerful! It combines the Universal Law of Vibration and the Universal Law of Focus together into a power-packed vision, request or intention. But when we use the power of prayer in a way that infringes on someone else’s life, desires health, etc. without their request or permission, then it violates the Universal Law of Free Will. Those of us that were brought up with prayer were taught that it is always a force for good, but even if your intentions seem good, you can commit prayer malpractice if you use prayer in certain ways. Plus, these juicy topics:
How violating the law of free will creates karma or cause and effect in the moment and potentially much longer, and how that cause and effect might show up.
Prayer is the vibration you radiate in each moment and not just those thoughts or intentions you consciously direct in what we think of as prayer.
How to cultivate the vibrations you want to “pray” in intentional moments so that you are consistent in your communication with the divine.
How you can pray in ways that do not violate free will, even if you don’t have someone’s express permission.
How prayer supports or interferes with personal sovereignty and ways to amplify your personal sovereignty and authority in ways that align with Universal Law.
Katie Kieffer coaches, mentors, and guides clients through the inner work of healing, evolving, and aligning within themselves. She’s passionate about understanding self and others as multi-faceted, multi-dimensional beings in this human experience. The idea of living from the soul, what she calls Sacred Self, lights her up. She absolutely loves helping clients move beyond the conditioning, karmic patterns, and ties of the past so they can move into the present and future to create a life they truly enjoy experiencing.
Connect with Katie awakentheinnerlight.com
EXPAND Your EDGE Pendulum Play!
If you have taken the EXPAND Your EDGE course, remember to use what you learned to expand what in this conversation pushed your edge. Also, here are some other ways to use your pendulum to play with the energies in this conversation to expand your consciousness. Still need the course? Access it for HERE
Increase my awareness of my vibration as I move through my day
Expand my awareness of the vibrations that are most helpful for me
Expand my ability to hold healthy and helpful vibrations
Expand my awareness of when I am “praying” in a way that violates another’s free will
Increase my ability/willingness to embody more loving vibrations
Neutralize anywhere I unintentionally violate another’s free will
Increase my awareness of how I experience my personal sovereignty
Increase my awareness of how I give away my personal sovereignty
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About Kristine
Pushing the edges of my own consciousness has been my passion for as long as I can remember. I’ve been helping others push past limiting perceptions and expand their minds and realities for almost as long. Conversations are a great way to explore what’s possible, whether through listening to the conversations in this site or talking privately with me or one of my mind-blowing friends.
Explore, Enjoy & Expand!
Podcast Music: Warm Vacuum Tube by Admiral Bob (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license