Play as Gateway to Authentic Truth
People often think that when they express their immediate, surface thoughts and emotions, that they are speaking their authentic truth and authentic self. But surface is experience is generated from conditioned identity. Play is a fun way to let go of your conditioned self and express from a deeper level of authenticity. This mini-podcast can explain how this works, and the meditation will help wire this experience into your everyday reality. The core ideas in the podcast and meditation are:
We learn our identity from the ideas, thoughts, beliefs we take on from our family, society, various influences, etc. This conditioning creates a learned self of self
This learned identity generates the thoughts, opinions, emotions and such that make up our surface level experience that feels authentic but is based on learned conditioning.
Play can help us drop this learned sense of self and help up tap into your true authentic self and express from your unconditioned truth
Stand-Alone & Downloadable Meditation
Kristine Madera is the host of the CONVERSATIONS from the EDGE podcast. Her great passion in life has been to push the edges of her own consciousness and to invite others to do so as well. As a Clinical Hypnotherapist, rather than help people align subconscious support to conscious desires (which can send your life off the rails even faster) she worked with people from the heart/inner wisdom level to support the deep transformation people truly desired. She also witnessed the value of adding guided meditations to her client’s “homework” and the rapid speed that they can bring when combined with conscious awareness and action. She creates her meditations from the expansions she is experiencing in her own consciousness.
You can combine the meditations with the Expand Your Edge Pendulum Play suggestions below, for even better results. Access the free course to learn how best to use your pendulum with the suggestions below HERE
Connect with Kristine using the links on this website, as well as: Direct Email YouTube Channel
EXPAND Your EDGE Pendulum Play!
If you have taken the EXPAND Your EDGE course, remember to use what you learned to expand what in this podcast & meditation pushed your edge. Also, below are some other suggestion to use to expand consciousness with the energies in this podcast & meditation. Still need the course? Access it for free HERE
Increase my understanding of authenticity
Increase my awareness of my conditioned self
Increase my awareness of when I am operating from my conditioned self
Expand my experience of operating from my authentic self
Neutralize my conditioning
Decrease my attachment to my learned identity, beliefs, opinions, etc.
Increase my sense of playfulness in all areas of my life
Increase my willingness to play and be spontaneous
Increase my willingness to let go of my familiar identity
Harmonize my body, being and life with my authentic self
Harmonize my experience, ideas and beliefs with my authentic truth
For latest episodes & more, follow me on:

About Kristine
Pushing the edges of my own consciousness has been my passion for as long as I can remember. I’ve been helping others push past limiting perceptions and expand their minds and realities for almost as long. Conversations are a great way to explore what’s possible, whether through listening to the conversations in this site or talking privately with me or one of my mind-blowing friends.
Explore, Enjoy & Expand!
Podcast Music: Confederation Line by Admiral Bob (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license