How to Use Gemini Season to Awaken Your Divine Connection

with Jana Roemer

Gemini is the third sign in the astrological year, and in human development, it corresponds with curiosity, and a young child’s constant asking “why” something is the way it is. Gemini also rules social programming, and what you learn in this stage of life becomes the reality map you use for the rest of your life.

In this episode with astrologer and yogi Jana Roemer, Jana shares how you can also use Gemini season as an adult to shift the belief systems of early programming. Come into a deeper state of listening and understanding, and how to use Gemini new moon and Sagittarius full moon (and lunar eclipse!) to shift your relationship with faith, connect with Source and to awaken your divine connection.

Including, these juicy topics:

According to body astrology, Gemini lives in the thyroid gland, lungs, arms, hands and peripheral nervous system, and it carries information from the nervous system to the endocrine system.

As a mutable sign, Gemini allows easier change and Jana shares how to use the same gift of curiosity we used to learn about ourselves and the world to go deeper and to shift those hidden beliefs that no longer serve you.

The Sagittarius full moon this Gemini season supports you in examining faith and going (much!) deeper with your relationship with God, Source or however you image the divine, and to integrate this deeper relationship into your daily life and life flow.

How Saturn in Gemini season asks us to stay the course and build our endurance as we continue through this very interesting year.

Why Gemini season this year is a time of rest, spaciousness, and why having an open schedule that allows spontaneity will help you refresh, recharge and have fun through May and June.

Jana RoemerJana Roemer synthesized 20 years of study and 13 years of teaching her two great loves, Astrology and Yoga Nidra, to create Astro Nidras, a lying down meditation where the body relaxes to a sleep state while awareness remains online. In her own words, it’s a practice of awakening to the multitude of transitions life has to offer and a cure for a busy mind.

She has trained hundreds of people with over 3000 hours of 200 + 300 hour yoga teacher trainings, 500 hours of yoga nidra as well as co-facilitated trainings and retreats with Sasha Bahador, Elena Brower, Ally Bogard, Christine Price Clark, Kristin Campbell, Meghan Currie, Sarah Zandbeek, Kat Villain and more.

Her newest passion is building a virtual temple called “Attune to the Moon” where you’ll find Astrology, embodied: practices linked to real time planetary positions. There’s nothing like it! You have to come check it out.

Connect with Jana  Astro Nidras   Insight Timer  Youtube    Instagram

For 50% off the Expander Pass to the Attune to the Moon Website:

Attune to the Moon Site Link     Code: CFTE50

EXPAND Your EDGE Pendulum Play!

If you have taken the EXPAND Your EDGE course, remember to use what you learned to expand what in this conversation pushed your edge. Also, here are some other ways to use your pendulum to play with the energies in this conversation to expand your consciousness. Still need the course? Access it for HERE

Increase my awareness of old patterns that need to be shifted

Expand my ability to flow with change

Expand my ability and willingness to examine my faith and what it is I really believe in

Expand my ability and willingness to get curious and ask questions

Increase my ability/willingness to trust Source and myself

Neutralize any attachment to old ideas, beliefs and patterns

Decrease any unwillingness to explore what I believe in

Increase the spaciousness in my schedule, my mind & my life

Increase my willingness to expand my spiritual growth in all areas of my life

For latest episodes & more, follow me on:

About Kristine

Pushing the edges of my own consciousness has been my passion for as long as I can remember. I’ve been helping others push past limiting perceptions and expand their minds and realities for almost as long. Conversations are a great way to explore what’s possible, whether through listening to the conversations in this site or talking privately with me or one of my mind-blowing friends.

Explore, Enjoy & Expand!

Podcast Music: Warm Vacuum Tube by Admiral Bob (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license