How to Operate from Your Inner Authority
This conversation with consciousness started with the question: What does it mean to be in my own inner authority?
We have been conditioned since birth to hand over our authority to others, first parents and caregiver, then teachers and coaches, to government, laws and cultural ideas that are so fixed in our individual and collective reality constructions that we believe they are true, even if they don’t actually exist as anything but an idea. Just like you moving through the fixed structure of your house around, you operate relative to the fixed ideas that have become “real” structures in your perceived reality.
In this episode, learn to identify where you have given way your authority and re-claim it to live as your most powerful YOU! Some core ideas in this conversation are:
When you perceive an external authority idea or system as “real,” you relate to it as being as structurally real as the walls of your house. You then make yourself relative to this “reality” and subject to its authority.
Whether you align with a power structure or oppose it, you deplete your personal power when you relate to an external authority system as a “real” structure you need to adjust yourself to.
Aligning with an authority system robs you of your power as well as requires you to continue to adjust your yourself and your perceptions in order to stay aligned with it–even if those adjustments go against your authentic inner truth.
Opposing an authority structure keeps your body in a state of unsustainable stress, and over time that stress turn to chronic imbalance and eventually chronic dysfunction of a body or a social system.
Re-Claiming your inner authority returns to you the power you have given away and depletes the power of the authority you had given your power to.
When you are able to hold your own truth and the vision of your deep self as your truth, you can use this as your personal inner GPS, and attract other people who are also living their deep inner truth. Over time this dismantles top-down, external authority structures for a more egalitarian, non-conflicting, self-authority model.
Have a Question for Me to Ask Consciousness?
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Kristine Madera is the host of the CONVERSATIONS from the EDGE podcast. Her great passion in life has been to push the edges of her own consciousness and to invite others to do so as well. As a Clinical Hypnotherapist, rather than help people align subconscious support to conscious desires (which can send your life off the rails even faster) she worked with people from the heart/inner wisdom level to support the deep transformation people truly desired. She also witnessed the value of adding guided meditations to her client’s “homework” and the rapid speed that they can bring when combined with conscious awareness and action. She creates her meditations from the expansions she is experiencing in her own consciousness.
You can combine the meditations with the Expand Your Edge Pendulum Play suggestions below, for even better results. Access the free course to learn how best to use your pendulum with the suggestions below HERE
Connect with Kristine using the links on this website, as well as: Direct Email YouTube Channel
EXPAND Your EDGE Pendulum Play!
If you have taken the EXPAND Your EDGE course, remember to use what you learned to expand what in this podcast & meditation pushed your edge. Also, below are some other suggestion to use to expand consciousness with the energies in this podcast & meditation. Still need the course? Access it for free HERE
Increase my awareness of where I give away my authority
Expand my experience of inner authority in more areas of my life
Neutralize all that has me giving away my authority
Neutralize all that keeps me in alignment with external authority structures
Neutralize all that keeps me in opposition external authority structures
Harmonize my body, being and life with the experience of awareness
Increase my ability and willingness to recognized when I am triggered, and to discover the authority I am aligning with or in opposition to
Expand my ability and willingness to cultivate coherence with my heart and truth
Expand my ability and willingness to cultivate my own inner vision and power based on my heart’s truth
Expand my ability and willingness to let go of ideas about myself and the world and to simply be in my heart
Neutralize anywhere I make anything right or wrong based on the ideas I align with or oppose
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About Kristine
Pushing the edges of my own consciousness has been my passion for as long as I can remember. I’ve been helping others push past limiting perceptions and expand their minds and realities for almost as long. Conversations are a great way to explore what’s possible, whether through listening to the conversations in this site or talking privately with me or one of my mind-blowing friends.
Explore, Enjoy & Expand!
Podcast Music: Confederation Line by Admiral Bob (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license