HomoSapien to HomoSpiritus, a Spiritual Evolution
with Veronica Torres & Eloheim
In the second of a set of conversations with Veronica Torres and Eloheim, one of the beings Veronica channels, Eloheim shares evolutionary touchstones in the spiritual evolution from our current HomoSapien to the emerging HomoSpiritus. Including these juicy topics:
A taste of what it is to be HomoSpiritus and to experience life on Earth in the ever-present awareness of truth and “choiceless choice,” and some of the many ways “personality” stands in the way of this experience.
The current spiritual pinnacle of being beyond triggers and fear is the evolutionary end of HomoSapien, but still short of the quantum leap in awareness and the open state of possibility that is HomoSpiritus, and how to cultivate to a new experience of awareness.
Awareness as the open state all possibility, and the roadblocks that “sneaky personality” puts up to experiencing true awareness. Also, how to develop a practice of setting down personality to expand awareness.
A big obstacle to making the leap from personality to awareness is the unknown of all possibility and the expectations of “what you get” by making that leap. Also, the importance of total surrender of HomoSapien personality to experience HomoSpiritus awareness.
Listen to Part 1: Spiritual Evolution in the Time of Coronavirus
Bonus Process!
Eloheim gives us three steps to being an energetic leader and a “vector of calm” for ourselves and the planet: 1) Come into the NOW; 2) Discover and use your doorway to Awareness (like gratitude); 3) Process concerns in the NOW from Awareness rather than survival.
Veronica Torres, Channeling Eloheim & The Council A down-to-Earth “force of nature,” Veronica Torres brings a deep commitment to conscious living, a powerful desire for clarity, and a great sense of humor to every situation. Veronica is the channel for Eloheim. (pronounced: L low heem)
Eloheim has been with us since the beginning. They were tasked by the creator to provide an opportunity for Souls to incarnate into a free-will zone. Our beautiful planet is that place. We have come to the point in our spiritual development where we are ready to make the jump to Homo spiritus. Homo spiritus is a state of bliss that exists outside of duality and allows us to access the full potential of being human; a brand new way to live on Earth.
The journey to Homo spiritus starts with transforming your relationship to yourself and others. Eloheim specializes in reading the underlying energetics in any situation. Once they have that clarity, they create an easy-to-apply tool that can quickly shift blockages.
Use Eloheim’s teachings to strip away the interference of habit, to access the current version of you, and to start living a life you will love.
Connect with Veronica Torres & Eloheim Eloheim.com
Connect with Eloheim Facebook Group
Three Tools for Times of Uncertainty
Learn How to Create Your Reality Cards: Full Deck Basic Deck
EXPAND Your EDGE Pendulum Play!
If you have taken the EXPAND Your EDGE course, here are some ways to use your pendulum to play with the energies in this conversation to expand your consciousness. Still need the course? Get it for free HERE
Decrease my attachment to personality and thought
Increase my ability/willingness/experience of being in the present moment of NOW (do all three of these individually)
Decrease my fear of the unknowns of living from awareness & all possibility
Decrease my fear of being in the uncertainty of all possibility
Increase my experience of being in no-thought
Harmonize me with my highest awareness
Harmonize me with the state of choiceless choice
Increase my ability/willingness/experience of living in awareness and possibility
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About Kristine
Pushing the edges of my own consciousness has been my passion for as long as I can remember. I’ve been helping others push past limiting perceptions and expand their minds and realities for almost as long. Conversations are a great way to explore what’s possible, whether through listening to the conversations in this site or talking privately with me or one of my mind-blowing friends.
Explore, Enjoy & Expand!
Podcast Music: Warm Vacuum Tube by Admiral Bob (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license