What is Body Wisdom? with Dr Jenn Phoenix Hatfield
Dr. Jenn Phoenix Hatfield talks about the wisdom of the body from its innate healing ability to its ability to receive energy and use it to do exactly what your body needs. We also talk about what keeps your body from accessing a healed state, and underlying causes that interfere with healing. Plus, these juicy topics:
How does spontaneous healing happen in one area when your body receives support in an entirely different area.
What is healing and how does emotional healing or shifting a belief system create healing, including immediate healing, in the body?
Why focusing on physical relief of symptoms is often the slowest path to healing, and can result in symptoms or issues returning in another form.
Bonus Process!
Dr Jenn shares her secret to developing a relationship with her body wisdom that anyone can use.
Dr. Jenn Phoenix Hatfield is first and foremost an explorer and lover of life. Her explorations have led her to rediscover and reconnect to her ever expanding gifts of intuition, claircognizance, and channeling. She uses these gifts in connection with her experience and education as a Doctor of Chiropractor and over 25 years of experience in the health industry to help others heal. She is the owner of The Intuitive Phoenix and creator of the F#$king Fantastic series.
Connect with Dr. Jenn
TheIntuitivePhoenix.com/edge Facebook
EXPAND Your EDGE Pendulum Play!
If you have taken the EXPAND Your EDGE course, remember to use what you learned to expand what in this conversation pushed your edge. Also, here are some other ways to use your pendulum to play with the energies in this conversation to expand your consciousness. Still need the course? Get it for free HERE
Neutralize any doubt that my body is fully able to heal itself
Increase my willingness to live in a healed state
Decrease any belief barriers to total healing
Increase my ability to hear what my body needs to heal
Harmonize me with my body’s wisdom
Decrease my habit of overriding my body wisdom with my mind
Decrease my resistance to emotional healing
Neutralize all inaccurate beliefs and opinions around true health and healing
Harmonize me with my highest health and healing
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About Kristine
Pushing the edges of my own consciousness has been my passion for as long as I can remember. I’ve been helping others push past limiting perceptions and expand their minds and realities for almost as long. Conversations are a great way to explore what’s possible, whether through listening to the conversations in this site or talking privately with me or one of my mind-blowing friends.
Explore, Enjoy & Expand!
Podcast Music: Warm Vacuum Tube by Admiral Bob (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license