Restructure Your Inner World in Capricorn Season with Jana Roemer
Capricorn Season clears away old ideas, beliefs and structures and invites you to listen deeply for the wisdom to restructure yourself, your worldview and your life. This and more with astrologer & yoga nidra expert Jana Roemer
How to Disentangle from the Conditioned Self with Alex Boianghu
In the third in the series The Journey of Wholeness, meditation teacher & psycho-spiritual therapist Alex Boianghu and I discuss how to disentangle from the conditioned self and cultivate the experience of true freedom and wholeness.
Re-Imagine Your Purpose in Sagittarius Season with Jana Roemer
Sagittarius season is the alchemical fire that helps us re-turn to the light, re-member our purpose, re-connect with Source and, this year, to prepare for the deep, intense work of re-making yourself and the world.
The Art of Desire
If you’ve been on this planet for more than ten years, then you’ve probably heard the evils of instant gratification…BUT,
How to Stay Vulnerable in a Changing World with Mindvalley Co-Founder Kristina Mand-Lakhiani
Kristina Mand-Lakhiani, co-founder of Mindvalley, talks about how to be in the open state of vulnerability, how to live from a state of vulnerability and the difference between experiencing intense emotion and being vulnerable
How to Optimize Cooperation and Competition ~ Mystic Wisdom with Kristine Madera
Cooperation is the organizing principle of life and well-being. Competition is the 10% juice that optimizes cooperation

About Kristine
Kristine Madera is a #1 bestselling Amazon author, novelist, hypnotherapist, and pro-topian with a passion for helping people better themselves and the world. Informed by global travel, teaching abroad, and a stint as a Peace Corps Volunteer, Kristine believes that everyone plays a part in imagining and creating our collective future.
Volunteering at Mother Teresa’s Home for the Dying in Calcutta inspired her novel, God in Drag. She birthed her upcoming novel, The Snakeman’s Wife, as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Papua New Guinea.
Read the first chapter of God in Drag HERE