Welcome to Your Ultimate Self-Hypnosis System!

How Does this System Reshape the Mind?

It unifies the conscious and subconscious minds to support in your chosen direction of change

It redirects your subconscious mind’s built-in realty-reinforcement system to  validate your desired change 

It teaches you conscious/subconscious support strategies that integrate your desired change into a new model of reality for permanent, positive change. 


What is Reality, Really?

Humans create both individual and collective models of reality that they live by.

These models of reality are formed and reinforced by the subconscious mind.

In this section you’ll learn how this system works and how the three steps in the Ultimate Self-Hypnosis System hack this inborn system to create permanent change. 

Main Points

1) Your subconscious mind, like your conscious mind, only knows what it has learned.

2) Your subconscious learned the models of self and reality you live by now by building on the original models you absorbed as a baby. Your learned reality models/beliefs anchor and orient your whole model of reality, and script your life experience from behind the scenes.

3) Your learned models/beliefs are reinforced with emotion, specifically the emotions around rightness and wrongness, goodness and badness, that act like gatekeepers to keep you operating in accordance with your learned models.

4) Your subconscious constantly reinforces your models by filtering out what doesn’t fit your model and bringing to your awareness and experience evidence that validates your beliefs and models of reality.

5) Humans are conceptual beings, so we can find evidence for anything. When you change the evidence that your subconscious has been searching for, you can change your model of reality from the inside out. Because everything in your conceptual models is connected, as you change one concept, many other conceptualizations, beliefs and models may also change.

6) The example we’re using is believing that you live in a friendly universe–or not. Other examples might be feeling that you don’t deserve happiness/love/success until you do/achieve/prove your worth in some way. Or a cultural model like hard work and rule-following equals success. Or a behavior model like people-pleasing to avoid conflict and keep peace.

7) Once you identify the model or belief you want to change and the evidence that your subconscious has used to validate this model (step one), then. you challenge that model with new, contrary evidence (step two) and then choose a new model to cultivate with new evidence, actions, thoughts and emotions (step three.)


Use the belief or model of living in a friendly or unfriendly universe to do the following:.

1) Look for three or more pieces evidence each from your past, present and out in the world that the universe is unfriendly, that it is harsh, that you are on your own and have to fight for what. you want, etc.

2) Look for three or more pieces of evidence each from your past, present and out in the world that prove that the model of an unfriendly universe is not always true, like times where someone helped you without needing to, or where you witnessed spontaneous kindness or generosity.

3) Look for three or more pieces of evidence each from your past, present and out in the world that support or prove that. you do live in a friendly universe, like where you have been in the right place at the right time without meaning to, where an opportunity or other benefit appeared without you looking for it, where something good came out of a challenging or difficult situation.

4) If desires, use the tips in the “Making it Real” section to cultivate the model of living in a friendly universe along with any chosen belief or model you desire to shift.

Step One: Identify The Belief or Model To Change

Main Points

Your subconscious mind is malleable. It will create and act out any belief pattern that you train it to.

The first step in the process of changing a belief is to make hidden unconscious patterns and beliefs more conscious so that you will be able to consciously recognize when your subconscious is operating in an old pattern.

Imagery is a powerful subconscious communication tool, so we use the imagery of the ice cube to represent the fixed belief to be “melted.”


1) Decide on a belief or model to shift by examining your primary challenges to find a feeling, belief or behavior that they have in common. Examples: feeling that you don’t deserve happiness/love/success until you do/achieve/prove your worth in some way; a cultural model like hard work and rule-following equals success; a behavior model like people-pleasing to avoid conflict and keep peace.

2) What are three or more pieces of evidence each from your past, present and out in the world your mind has used to validate this model or belief is true?

3) How does this belief/model feel when you think about it? Where/how do you feel it on your body?

4) Imagine this feeling and the belief/model it is attached to is an ice cube that can be melted.

5) How willing are you to have a new understanding or experience of reality? 1 (low) to 10 (high)  

Step Two: Deconstruct Your Current Belief With Contrary Evidence

Main Points

Now that you can recognize some of the evidence your subconscious uses to hold your old belief or model in place, it’s time to show the subconscious evidence that the old belief isn’t always true.

The new evidence disrupts the belief/model emotion matrix by introducing new, lighter feelings along with the new evidence.

The imagery of the ice cube melting shows the subconscious you want to melt the old belief and model.


1) Identify three or more pieces of evidence each from your past, present and out in the world that challenge your step one belief or model–that shows it is not always true. You can look for these in your past or present, as well as out in the world.

2) Feel and imagine this evidence melting the ice cube from step one, and imagine the melt water flowing down a drain and away from your body.

3) How willing are you now to have a new understanding and experience of reality? 1 (low) to 10 (high)

4) What has (or hasn’t) changed about your willingness to have a new understanding or experience of reality?

Step Three: Cultivate A New, Empowering Belief or Model

Main Points

Now that the old belief/model matrix is disrupted, give your subconscious a new belief or model to cultivate, as well as evidence to support it.

The more you reinforce your new model with supportive evidence, thoughts, actions and feelings, the faster your subconscious accept this new belief/model as your reality.  

Imagery of warm, thick, golden liquid replacing the ice cube shows the subconscious that you want to your new feel-good belief or model to replace the old one.


1) Choose a new belief or model you would like to cultivate and make real, like living in a friendly universe rather than living in an unfriendly universe.

2) Find three or more pieces of evidence each from your past, present and out in the world that validate this new belief or model. You can find these from your own past or present experience or out in the world.

3) Feel and imagine the ice cube from steps one and two melting completely, and see, feel and imagine the space where the ice cube had been filling with a warm, thick golden liquid that brings in the new belief or model you desire.

4) Continue to find evidence for your new reality every day and use the action steps in the Making it Real section below to reinforce your chosen reality until it is your new normal.


1) Keep looking for evidence of your new reality in your past and present experience and out in the world. When evidence of your old belief or model comes up, immediately challenge it with counter evidence and evidence of your new belief or model. A great way to reinforce your new reality is by using an “evidence journal” to write down all the new evidence you find.

2) Choose a new thought or affirmation that supports this new belief or model. If you can’t quite believe a statement like “Life loves me and I love life,” then use.an “in process” statement like “I’m starting to trust that life loves me, and I’m starting to believe that I love life.” Another example is  “Of course the universe has my back.” / “More and more I’m seeing that the universe really does have my back.”

3) Choose one or more actions to take each day to cultivate your reality. This may or may not be directly related to the new reality you are cultivating. New, empowering actions of any kind will help shift old patterns to a new reality. Examples: smiling at yourself in the mirror each day, offering a friendly greeting to people at work and/or strangers in a store or on the street, taking a daily walk and appreciating the trees you see as you walk, trying something new each day. 

4) Choose a body feeling or emotion to you experience and expand each day that supports your new belief or model. Again, any new, empowering feeling or emotion will help you shift your reality. Choose a good-feeling emotion like appreciation, joy, compassion, connection, peace, etc. How can you  experience this each day? Examples: keeping a gratitude journal, thinking about a joyful memory each night before bed, etc.

5) Notice what other changes in your life happen spontaneously as you shift this one aspect of reality. Keeping a record or journal of these changes will help prove to you that your new reality is taking shape and also show you how powerful you are in being able to change your reality.

Putting It All Together

Main Points

Use the recording and your answers from the reference sheet below daily for 21 days to kick-start your new reality.

Continue looking consciously for evidence and using thoughts, actions and feelings that support your new belief or model until it has become the new normal reality for your subconscious mind, and it points out the evidence for you.

Once you get familiar with this process, you will probably start doing it naturally to seek evidence that challenges an old belief or model and supports a new one.


1) Listen to the recording below once so that you are familiar with it.

2) Go through the Action Steps in each of the three steps to chose your belief or model to shift and the evidence that supports each step.

3) Listen to the recording with the information from the three steps handy to refer to, or top-of-mind for easy memory recall. You can use the guide below for easy reference.

4) Continue to listen to the recording, find evidence and do the Ongoing Action Steps until your new belief/model/reality feels real to you. 

Ultimate Self-Hypnosis Systems Guided Process

by Kristine Madera

Download the Guided Visualization Recording Here (right click & “Download Linked File as”)

The Ultimate Self-Hypnosis System Reference Guide

Download the Reference Guide Here


Belief/Emotional Truth to Change: 

How does this belief or emotional truth feel in my body (where is the ice cube)?

What thoughts or associations does this bring up for me?

Where evidence of this do I see in my own past or present and in the world?

How intense does this belief feel in my body? 1 (low) to 10 (high):

Imagine the old belief as an ice cube that can melt and notice where you feel it in your body.



What three pieces of evidence from my past experience show that this “truth” isn’t alway true? 

What three pieces of evidence from my present experience show that this “truth” isn’t always true? 

Who do I know or admire that has a different belief or experience of this truth that I do? How do I imagine that they view or experience the world? 

How hopeful do I feel I’m my body that theis new evidence might be true?  1 (low) to 10 (high):

Imagine the ice cube of your original belief/emotional truth melting even more, with the melted water flowing down a drain and out of your body.



New, empowering belief to cultivate: 

What three pieces of evidence from my past shows that this new, empowering belief may be true? 

What three pieces of evidence from my present show that this new, empowering belief may be true?

What three pieces of evidence out in the world that this new, empowering belief may be true?

How does your new belief feel in your body? Describe:

Imagine the ice cube completely melted and that the space the ice cube had been in filling completely with a thick golden liquid, like honey infused with sunlight. 

From 1 (low) to 10 (high) how true does this new belief feel to you?