Somatic Hypnotherapy Kristine Madera

Hypnotherapy & Hypno-Coaching

No, you won’t cluck like a chicken—unless you want to. Hypnosis is simply the practice of making intentional changes at the level of mind that holds pervasive, problematic patterns in place. It’s a deeply relaxing and much more effective path to inner and outer change than the relentless, harder, faster, no-pain-no-gain styles all over the internet.  

Hypnotherapy or Hypno-Coaching: Which is for You?


Hypnotherapy helps release old mental, emotional, and physical patterns so that you can live in greater freedom and joy in the present. It’s terrific for releasing repeating patterns in relationships, with money, in your career, and for repetitive emotions or thoughts that interfere with relationships, confidence, joy, fun, success (however you define it), health, well-being, etc. Similar to other therapies, Hypnotherapy is done in deep-dive sessions. People often say that one 60-90 minute hypnotherapy session gives as much change as six or more traditional therapy or counseling sessions, so you need many fewer sessions to achieve profound, lasting change. Discover more about hypnotherapy with Kristine HERE

Click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation to see if Hypnotherapy is right for you.


Hypno-Coaching helps release old limitations as well as build new confidence, capacity, and openness to help you adapt to and/or create new situations or possibilities. Hypno-coaching is terrific for transitions like life after divorce, stepping into a new career with new challenges, getting into stride when starting college, or building a new business.  

Hypno-Coaching looks different for each client, depending on your goals and what it is you are trying to create. We work together for three months or longer, using a combination of deep-dive sessions, shorter coaching sessions, accountability, and support that works best for you. 

Some things to think about to make your hypno-coaching journey as successful as it can be are: What new life, situation, or state are you trying to create? What inner skills or abilities do you need to be the person that embodies that new way of being? What fears, doubts or other blocks come up and discourage or stop you? 

Once you have given these some thought, Click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation to see if Hypno-Coaching is a good fit for you. If so, then we design a program to help you meet your goals.       

Both Sound Good? Great News! You Can Stack Them!

Many people choose to do three or more sessions of deep dive hypnotherapy to break free from the old patterns of the past, THEN use hypno-coaching to step into a new life and sense of self. 


Hypnotherapy to work through the emotions around the death of a spouse, divorce or bad breakup. Hypno-coaching to help you move forward either as a single person or to open to a healthy new relationship. 

Hypnotherapy to bring closure and resolution to your working life or career, or once all the kids have moved on to college or life. Hypno-coaching to help you create your purposeful retirement life or exciting next act of your life, just for you! 

Hypnotherapy to cope with the mental and emotional stress of a diagnosis and illness. Hypno-coaching to adapt to and thrive in a new normal, support you during treatment and recovery, and/or embrace a fresh new lease on life.

Hypnotherapy to face the fears, challenges, and mindset limitations around starting a new business or venture. Hypno-coaching to support you as you build new skills, face new challenges, and become the successful person of your dreams.

Click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation to see how Hypnotherapy and Hypno-coaching can work for you!

What Results Can I Expect?


While each session and each person are unique, you can generally expect progress on your issue, a greater sense of empowerment, agency, inner freedom, more connection with the “true” you, positive shifts in various, and possibly other “side benefits.”

Because the head, heart, mind, body, and spirit are all connected, clients also often experience benefits like reduced stress levels; relief from aches, pains, and other physical issues; new awareness, insight, and clarity even in areas we haven’t directly worked with; an increased sense of peace and decreased anxiousness or stress; being less reactive to things that used to bother them; better sleep; an increased sense of overall well-being; more relaxed about life in general.

Meet Kristine, Your Evolutionary Hypnotherapist


Kristine Madera

Hi, my name is Kristine Madera. I’ve had a life-long fascination with the subconscious mind, how it creates models of reality and various kinds of patterns, and how to work with the subconscious mind to make changes at the foundational level.

Along my own journey, I have traveled the world to explore how culture structures the mind and experience, gotten a M.A. in International Management with an emphasis on Intercultural Relations, received my training as a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist from the Center for Developing Mastery, and worked in the mind-body fitness field for over twenty years.

I’m also a long-time meditator and an author of both fiction and non-fiction books. I feel that there is a lot more to life and reality than what we experience at the surface—and love pondering and exploring those deeper realms.

I developed my own style of hypnotherapy, which I call Evolutionary Hypnotherapy, to help myself and others break free from limiting models of personal and collective reality that keep us isolated from one another, from our own higher consciousness, and from our highest potential and possibility. This style works equally well with hypno-coaching. 

The first step in working with me is to set up a short call for us to get to know each other, to see if my approach is a good fit for you and to see if we are a good fit for one another, then go from there..

If you have questions or can’t find a time on the scheduler HERE please use the form below to reach me. If you need a different time than the scheduler shows, please let me know your time zone and 3+ times that work and are compatible with New York/Eastern US as well as your phone/WhatApp number

Thanks for connecting! I look forward to hearing from you!

11 + 5 =

Kristine’s work has supported me in clearing emotional, energetic, and physical blocks I’ve had in place possibly for many lifetimes. It feels miraculous that in just three months to be feeling so strong and solid, feeling more freedom to express myself and receive all that life has to offer. I’m in deep gratitude.


I’ve worked with top coaches like Tony Robbins and Jack Canfield, and I can truly say that working with Kristine is a gift I encourage anyone to take. Kristine listens at an intuitive level and then reveals the true conversation you’re having with yourself from your soul. The self that begins to emerge and be in the world is authentic. It’s the real You. You don’t have to spend years in this process either. Working with Kristine is all you need. 

Sandra G

Kristine’s voice and methods are very soothing. My sessions not only helped me end a destructive behavior but also address and explore many other areas I did not realize needed attention. 

Kim N.

Your low-key approach helped me investigate my subconscious in a safe, controlled way that instilled trust in the process and produced not only the desired result but also resonated in many other aspects of my life. My heartfelt thanks.

Chris M

I had no knowledge of hypnosis or what to expect during the sessions. My main fear was being vulnerable and not remembering the session. Kristine’s sincere guidance and compassion really put me at ease and made me feel safe and trusting during my first experience with hypnosis. I was amazed at how calm and clear the memories came to me–memories I subconsciously blocked for years that I was unaware affected my choices as an adult. I have had four sessions and can honestly say thank you, Kristine, for your intuitiveness and spiritual gifts, and for helping me acknowledge, release, and even appreciate the burdens that were holding me back from a lifetime of happiness and fulfillment

Sherry C

Kristine, thank you for the awesome work you did with me. From the first visit, I really felt it was the right thing for my body at this time and I so appreciate all the tools you gave me and the time you spent with me. Thank you for helping me move through this.
