Somatic Hypnotherapy Kristine Madera

Evolutionary Hypnotherapy

If you want a different life—or a different world—you need to think, feel and act in a different way.

The truth is that 95% or more of the thoughts people have are the same thoughts they had yesterday, and last year, and last decade. This isn’t a moral failing, it’s that your brain and nervous system are wired for efficiency, and being the same from one day or one year, or one decade to the next is very efficient from a brain and nervous system perspective.

Hypnotherapy is so effective because it can help you make powerful positive changes in your life in an efficient way.

Hypnosis is a very efficient tool for profound, positive change and self-evolution because it transforms at the brainwave levels that hold “efficient” but unwanted sameness in place. At the same time, we unwind old patterns that interfere with creating the outcome you want, and also create the foundation and pathways for the new to emerge, very efficiently.

How Does Hypnotherapy Work?


The magic of hypnotherapy lies in brain wave patterns.

Adults experience four core brainwave patterns in daily life. Ordinary waking consciousness generally flows between beta waves—rational, logical, problem-solving, etc., and alpha waves—reverie, daydreaming, zoning out, and the sense of expansive possibility. Adults utilize theta waves when deeply relaxed and when falling asleep, and experience delta most often when asleep.

Babies and young children spend most of their time in theta and delta waves, which is how they absorb information so quickly—there is no critical factor or thinking “about” what they are absorbing, they simply encode what’s happening around them as “reality,” even when aspects of reality contradict one another or end up being a toxic pattern later in life.     

Most of our core patterns and fears, understanding of ourselves and how the world works, relationship patterns, and so on were encoded while in the theta and delta brain wave patterns as babies and young children.

Simply, you can’t change a theta- or delta-encoded pattern from a beta brain wave state.

In hypnotherapy, we use the alpha state—which is a gateway to the deeper theta and delta states—to explore and shift unhelpful patterns in these deeper states, and to install helpful ones. When we pattern-shift at this level, change feels natural and often effortless because you are not “trying” to change your surface experience, you are operating in a new way because you have changed deep subconscious patterns.

Hypnosis can look like sleep or a trace, but you are actually awake and alert, just in a different brainwave state than ordinary waking consciousness.

What is Evolutionary Hypnotherapy?


Most people turn to hypnotherapy to change a challenging situation, heal a pattern or illness, or relationship, or make a life or lifestyle shift.

Some people also have a deep desire to become a better version of themselves in the process. These people generally recognize self-evolution as their primary desire and the challenge that they are experiencing as a gateway to the self-evolution they seek.

For example:

Instead of just wanting to have more money, you want to also become the kind of person that is relaxed around money, who is comfortable earning more money and having the kind of job, career, situation, and mindset that aligns with that, who is open to having their life, lifestyle, relationships, friendships and life situations shift in response to being a person who makes or has the kind of money you desire.

Instead of just wanting to be free of pain after a divorce, you want to also become the kind of person who has loving, supportive, mutually empowering relationships, to shift out of old relationship patterns with potential partners, as well as unhelpful family, friendship, work or other relationship patterns.

Evolutionary Hypnotherapy uses the challenge you bring as a gateway for becoming a more empowered, healthier, happier version of yourself.

If you are on the self-evolution path, you might think that everyone would want this kind of transformation. Many people don’t. Many people want their life to change—to go from lack to abundance, miserable to joyful, stuck to flowing, and so on—without evolving into a person with the mindset, thoughts, emotional state, and fluidity that support their desired outcome. They want an evolved life, without evolving themselves.

What’s the Evolutionary Hypnotherapy Approach Good for?


In short, Evolutionary Hypnotherapy helps you become a freer, more joyful, flowing, and empowered version of yourself—in many or all areas of your life.

The desire for self-evolution is enough of a starting point, even if you don’t have a specific challenge as a gateway.

However, common gateway issues or challenges can include:

Feeling stuck in an area of life (job, relationship, money, a general rut, health, etc.)

Challenging transitions (marriage/divorce, empty nest, career change, widowhood, moving to a new area, retirement, transits like adulting, middle age, etc.)

Pervasive emotional challenges (anger, grief, anxiousness, sadness, disconnection from life, fear of change, etc.)

Health challenges like cancer or MS, whether yours or a loved one’s, can be a gateway for self-evolution as well as support a sense of well-being on your healing journey.

New situations like parenthood, starting a business, starting a new career, and creative ventures.

What is Evolutionary Hypnotherapy NOT the Best for?


Because Evolutionary Hypnotherapy is about helping you change yourself, and not just stopping a problem or habit, it’s not the best or most direct approach for specific behavior modification, such as:

  • Stop smoking
  • Weight loss
  • Hair-pulling
  • Teeth grinding
  • Addictions like alcohol, drugs, shopping, porn, gambling, etc.
  • Similar patterned behaviors and addictive behaviors

If you do want to evolve yourself as well as change a habit or situation as above, then I recommend finding a program that addresses the specific behavior or addiction, and using Evolutionary Hypnotherapy to support yourself in becoming a person who embodies the new state and help support making the changes in your mindset, emotions, and life that are consistent with the new state you desire.

What Results Can I Expect?


While each session and each person are unique, you can generally expect progress on your issue, a greater sense of empowerment, agency, inner freedom, more connection with the “true” you, positive shifts in various, and possibly other “side benefits.”

Because the head, heart, mind, body, and spirit are all connected, clients also often experience benefits like reduced stress levels; relief from aches, pains, and other physical issues; new awareness, insight, and clarity even in areas we haven’t directly worked with; an increased sense of peace and decreased anxiousness or stress; being less reactive to things that used to bother them; better sleep; an increased sense of overall well-being; more relaxed about life in general.

Meet Kristine, Your Evolutionary Hypnotherapist


Kristine MaderaHi, my name is Kristine Madera. I’ve had a life-long fascination with the subconscious mind, how it creates models of reality and various kinds of patterns, and how to work with the subconscious mind to make changes at the foundational level.

Along my journey, I have traveled the world to explore how culture structures the mind and experience, gotten an M.A. in International Management with an emphasis on Intercultural Relations, received my training as a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist from the Center for Developing Mastery, and worked in the mind-body fitness field for over twenty years.

I’m also a long-time meditator and an author of both fiction and non-fiction books. I feel that there is a lot more to life and reality than what we experience at the surface—and love pondering and exploring those deeper realms.

As an HSP (highly sensitive person) my style of hypnotherapy works particularly well for other sensitives.

I developed my own style of hypnotherapy, which I call Evolutionary Hypnotherapy, to help myself and others break free from limiting models of personal and collective reality that keep us isolated from one another, from our own higher consciousness, and from our highest potential and possibility.

The first step in working with me is to set up a short call for us to get to know each other, to see if my approach is a good fit for you and your evolutionary journey, and to see if we are a good fit for one another for this part of your self-evolutionary journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Get Started?

We start with a 15-minute exploration call, where we get to know each other, discuss your desires and challenges, answer any questions about Rapid Somatic Hypnotherapy, and decide if we are a good fit. I don’t take new clients without this key step.

Schedule your 15-minute call here

Do you take insurance?

No. Most insurance companies only cover hypnosis when it is done as part of therapy with a licensed therapist, counselor, or psychologist that takes insurance.

If insurance coverage is necessary for you to afford hypnotherapy I suggest that you find a covered counselor, therapist, or psychologist that is trained in hypnotherapy and offers it as a covered option,

What is hypnosis? Will I be in a trance? What does that mean?

Hypnosis is deep relaxation into the slower alpha, theta, and even delta brain wave states. These brain wave states, along with the alert waking beta state, are natural brain wave states we cycle through in an average day. 

The beta brain-wave state is one you use to solve problems, make plans, and do other active thinking. You also enter relaxed, more trance-like states naturally throughout the day, like when falling asleep or waking, driving, daydreaming, watching a TV show or movie, listening to music, or doing a hobby. Theta waves correspond to deep relaxation. Delta waves are often, but not only, the waves you have in deep sleep. Even the “flow” state you’ve probably heard of is a sort of trance state that sharpens your focus on a single activity.

What is Hypnotherapy? Will I be asleep?

Hypnotherapy works at the deeper brain wave levels, which are slower than the brain waves of everyday waking consciousness and the thinking cognitive mind. In these deeper states, you have access to information about blocks, beliefs, patterns, and events that are different than your perspective at the beta thinking state level. We can resolve issues and set you on a new path of possibility in these deeper states more quickly and easily and completely than in a waking state because we are communicating directly with the subconscious, in a back-and-forth fashion, to resolve blocks and allow positive change.

These slower waves can feel like daydreaming on the faster end, to the deep relaxation that precedes sleep on the slower end. Though these states can look like trance-like or like a person is asleep from the outside, the person experiencing them is awake and highly alert, but alert at a different brain-wave state than everyday waking consciousness. Even in the deep work of the session, we are interactive, and you are always able to come back to a beta brain wave state any time you desire. In a session, you may relax so deeply that many people say they feel as refreshed as after several hours of sleep.

How does an Evolutionary Hypnotherapy session work?

We discuss your desires and what seems to get in the way—in depth at the first session, and to check in with progress in later ones. Then I guide you into an alpha brain wave state and we follow the lead of your subconscious mind to clear and re-pattern the next step in your self-evolution and resolution of issues. This can be through metaphor, releasing emotional energy, regression, and many other things. This process looks differently for each person, because your subconscious and higher conscious know what you need to make the shift and reveal a path to resolution and recalibration that unwinds old patterns and blocks, and opens the flow to new possibility in the direction of your desires.

How long do Evolutionary Hypnotherapy sessions last?

The first session is usually 75-90 minutes because we spend more time talking before the deep work of the session begins. Later sessions last 60-75 minutes and sometimes up to 90 minutes if something is really sticky. Generally, the more sessions we do, the faster they go. I recommend that you clear two hours, however, so that you have time to be quiet and integrate the work we did before you move on to the next part of your day.

Why do you do only audio/phone and not video?

For much of the session both of us have closed eyes, and you should be in a place where you can recline and focus inward rather than outward, as with video. Plus, I “hear” what your subconscious is communicating much better with an audio focus, and without the distraction of video.

Do you do issues like smoking cessation or weight loss?

Not directly. There are some great programs that work on these issues specifically. Rapid Somatic Hypnotherapy focuses on unwinding the layers of tensions, patterns, and blocks that result in behaviors like overeating and smoking. In my experience, unless you resolve the issues that cause repetitive behaviors, even if you successfully lose weight or stop smoking for a while, the underlying tensions, patterns, and blocks may result in relapse, or in another kind of repetitive behavior.

However, you can use Rapid Somatic Hypnotherapy in tandem with focused stop-smoking or weight-loss programs to help resolve the underlying issues that lead to the repetitive pattern, and we can add subconscious suggestions that can make your weight loss or smoking cessation journey more successful.

What can't be, or shouldn’t be, treated with hypnotherapy?

Serious psychiatric or mental health problems should be addressed by a qualified psychotherapist or psychiatrist first. They may (or may not) advise or allow hypnotherapy as a support or stress-relief strategy in tandem with treatment. Issues like drug or other addictions, family dynamics and other disorders, clinical depression, and similar problems need to be treated by doctors and/or psychiatrists, who may (or may not) prescribe hypnotherapy as supplementary support.

Medical conditions, illnesses, diseases, and such should always be treated by a physician. However, hypnotherapy can be part of your overall healing strategy as support for surgery/treatment preparation, pain control, releasing anxiety or fears related to an illness or treatment, stress relief, supporting healing through positive suggestions and more.

How many sessions does it take to resolve an issue?

In my experience, Evolutionary Hypnotherapy sessions work synergistically and build upon each other. From past client experience, three sessions are optimal for making a significant shift in the direction of your desires. If your issue is multi-faceted or there are related issues that also need to be resolved, you may benefit from a few more sessions.

Of course, self-evolution is an ongoing process, and so some people keep working with me regularly, or intermittently, after their first three sessions for ongoing evolutionary support. Or for extra support during a life transition like a job change or divorce, a journey of change like being widowed or starting a business, or as a support during their or a loved one’s cancer or illness journey.

Will I lose control? Will I be programmed to do something on command? Will I forget what happened in a session?

Hollywood has really done hypnosis disfavor by demonstrating hypnosis as something that happens to you, violates your free will, and causes you to change your personality or do something out of character on command. Each person has an inbuilt critical factor or filter that keeps them from accepting suggestions or changes that they disagree with or that violate their moral or ethical standards. This protects you from making changes or accepting as true something that is unacceptable to you.

During a session, you are alert and awake but in a deeper brain wave state. Most people remember most of what happens in a session, but there are times that, while you know everything that happened in a session as it is happening, you may not recall it as clearly afterward. Like the brain wave shift from dreaming to wakefulness can make it hard to remember the details of a dream, the shift from a deeper state to a beta state can make conscious memories of a session fuzzy. 

Will I cluck like a chicken?

Would you like to? If so then go to a stage hypnosis show!

Stage hypnosis, where people do things like cluck or act like a particular animal is a very specialized show-style of hypnosis and requires a very willing subject, a high level of suggestibility, and often some alcohol. You will notice in these shows that people volunteer to go onstage, so there is a part of them that wants to entertain and feels fine clucking like a chicken. You will also notice that the stage hypnotist sends some people off the stage who they think are less suggestible or unwilling to play along. No one can make you enter a deeper state to act silly onstage, but if you like to do that, hypnosis can make it easier for you to let go and have fun.  

If you have questions or can’t find a time on the scheduler HERE please use the form below to reach me. If you need a different time than the scheduler shows, please let me know your time zone and 3+ times that work and are compatible with New York/Eastern US as well as your phone/WhatApp number

Thanks for connecting! I look forward to hearing from you!

10 + 3 =

Kristine’s work has supported me in clearing emotional, energetic, and physical blocks I’ve had in place possibly for many lifetimes. It feels miraculous that in just three months to be feeling so strong and solid, feeling more freedom to express myself and receive all that life has to offer. I’m in deep gratitude.


I’ve worked with top coaches like Tony Robbins and Jack Canfield, and I can truly say that working with Kristine is a gift I encourage anyone to take. Kristine listens at an intuitive level and then reveals the true conversation you’re having with yourself from your soul. The self that begins to emerge and be in the world is authentic. It’s the real You. You don’t have to spend years in this process either. Working with Kristine is all you need. 

Sandra G

Kristine’s voice and methods are very soothing. My sessions not only helped me end a destructive behavior but also address and explore many other areas I did not realize needed attention. 

Kim N.

Your low-key approach helped me investigate my subconscious in a safe, controlled way that instilled trust in the process and produced not only the desired result but also resonated in many other aspects of my life. My heartfelt thanks.

Chris M

I had no knowledge of hypnosis or what to expect during the sessions. My main fear was being vulnerable and not remembering the session. Kristine’s sincere guidance and compassion really put me at ease and made me feel safe and trusting during my first experience with hypnosis. I was amazed at how calm and clear the memories came to me–memories I subconsciously blocked for years that I was unaware affected my choices as an adult. I have had four sessions and can honestly say thank you, Kristine, for your intuitiveness and spiritual gifts, and for helping me acknowledge, release, and even appreciate the burdens that were holding me back from a lifetime of happiness and fulfillment

Sherry C

Kristine, thank you for the awesome work you did with me. From the first visit, I really felt it was the right thing for my body at this time and I so appreciate all the tools you gave me and the time you spent with me. Thank you for helping me move through this.
