Madera #309 Storm Door Request
We would like to replace our current screen doors with storm doors with retractable screens. We are requesting storm doors for DECK and BASEMENT doors only. Since the board is only approving brown/dark-tone doors, this is our updated request with brown tones. In the photos at the bottom are ALL the colors these doors come in, and if there is a color the board prefers over brown, we’re happy to go with that.
The doors we want are the Larson Tradewinds doors sold at Lowes, and a Lowes certified contractor will install them.
For the DECK door, we want the Full View Aluminum door with retractable screen in Brown/Elk, which is a Chocolate brown (see pictures below.) Here is the link to that specific door

For the BASEMENT door, we want the Mid View Aluminum door with a retractable screen in Brown/Elk, which is a Chocolate Brown and the same color as the DECK door (see pictures below) Here is the link for the Mid-view door

Brown/Elk Door Color Photos. They have no samples available.
This is the Brown/Elk door color with the basic DECK storm door, minus the pet door. Behind it is the Mid-view door but in a different color.
This is an up-close look at the color, which is a dark chocolate brown called Brown online and Elk in the brochure.
The Brown/Elk color is to the left and on the right are the available colors for Tradewinds Storm doors. If there is one you prefer over the Brown/Elk, then we’ll use that color.